All Seniors are Safe during COVID-19

Madhur Bhav senior living home and care center is an example of keeping all the seniors safe during Pandemic. When we saw the news about the p andemic reaching Pune with one couple visited Dubai and spread to nearby society. When Our Prime minister declares Janta Curphew and also followed 21 days lockdown. Our system started proactively taking care of seniors. First and f o r e m o s t t h i n g s w h i c h w e f o ll o w e d by s t o pp i n g v i s i t o r s f r o m 1 0 t h M a r c h 2020 . I did not panic about the situation and followed the time to time guidelines issued by the Ministry of health and welfare for taking care. Our staff was instructed to be residential and cut down of the staff which was not directly working with seniors. so the level of infection curtail during the lockdown , we send the circulars to relatives about not visiting Madhur bhav to meet with them and also arrange for video conference for the timing was specified . Our nursin...