First resident of Blossom


As the saying goes, ‘If difficulties surround you, if you don’t fit in the box, if you don’t belong to the league, if you are different, YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE.’
I received an inquiry from Mumbai about ‘Madhur Bhav Blossom’(Nere). A Lady; along with her friend came down to see the facility. They told us about Pravin;  their brother in law.
Swati and Sanjay are married for more than 45 years and were looking after Pravin.
Pravin is Sanjay's  Younger brother and Swati is his caring sister-in-law.
I could thoroughly understand, how Swati and Sanjay were committed to him as a family. But, with growing age and their own health was getting difficult to look after him.
When Swati narrated to me about Pravin, I got a little nervous; as we have worked with seniors and their ailments. This was an absolutely new and delicate case. Then after discussing it with my team; we thought let's give it a try and see how can we handle it?
 Pravin came on 26th Jan 2015, our first Resident of Blossom and then followed by another Couple from Nashik where the husband is an army officer and wife is in Alzheimer's advance stage.
Initially, Pravin was reluctant to go out of the premises. He was very fond of our manager, Vitthal. He is in a situation where his age is 67, but brain growth, that of a 10-year  old ( Mild Autistic). He is totally adorable as a person. He remembers all the birthdays, right from the staff to the residents. he knows my family members birthdays too. of course, there is a child in him, it's difficult to get him to take bath, to make him eat well.
But like I said, he is different. He surprises me every time with his ways of expressions, naughtiness, innocence and loving attitude towards every one of us. He recites Sai Bhajans and manages to make everyone in the house smile. He is very good in carom and enjoys playing it with our daddy's.He cleans the face of other seniors and wears his heart on his sleeves while offering roses to our grannies.
It was his birthday yesterday and we had a little celebration for him . he danced his heart out. All the members and staff are very fond of him. He has also taken the responsibility of writing, the names of the visitors and he carries his book along with him everywhere without fail. Even when I have visitor’s he makes sure, they make an entry too. Some serious dedication huh? Not even professionals manage that kind of attitude!
That is our Pravin for you.

 We feel lucky to have him and about the fact that, we are the CHOSEN ONES FOR THIS CHOSEN ONE.

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