Showing posts from 2017
Plan before or regret later
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Care at Madhur Bhav There are lots of calls and updates every day from Madhurbhav. But this one was a little disturbing. One morning, a (seemingly) regular call turned out to be more than just that. I was told that Kulkarni Ajji (Name Changed) was not keeping well for the last four days. Her daughter had strictly instructed us not to admit her to the hospital because their family would be busy for a few days to come and could not visit if needed. The daughter added, she should be brave and not complain about little things to the Madhurbhav staff and them. She was admitted to Madhurbhav, for complete rest, as she wasn’t able to do anything on her own and was also not abl...
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First resident of Blossom THE CHOSEN ONES As the saying goes, ‘If difficulties surround you, if you don’t fit in the box, if you don’t belong to the league, if you are different, YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE.’ I received an inquiry from Mumbai about ‘Madhur Bhav Blossom’(Nere). A Lady; along with her friend came down to see the facility. They told us about Pravin; their brother in law. Swati and Sanjay are married for more than 45 years and were looking after Pravin. Pravin is Sanjay's Younger brother and Swati is his caring sister-in-law. I could thoroughly understand, how Swati and Sanjay were committed to him as a family. But, with growing age and their own health was getting difficult to look after him. When Swati narrated to me about Pravin, I got a little nervous; as we have worked with seniors and their ailments. This was an absolutely new and delicate case. Then after discussing it with my team; we thought let's give it a try a...
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We were on a running Speer for a month! And it finally turned out to be absolutely beautiful and memorable one. On the occasion of its 3rd anniversary, Madhurbhav and ASCOP collaborated to celebrate and entertain everyone on May 30 th Tuesday. The evening was light, soothing and mesmerising as it saw all our YOUNG Madhur BH avians in their energetic high as always. For a month long, the staff, board members and every member of Madhurbhav family were looking forward and preparing for this evening. The seniors were very enthusiastic and actively participating in the program setting. We had, Sur Palavi entertainment from Pune, presenting a live orchestra for the evening. The artists took the atmosphere of the program to another level, with their beautiful voices. They treated the audience with evergreen numbers of the 70’s. Everyone seemed to be totally drenched in the rhythm of those musical chords and wonderful voices. To add the cherry on...
Madhur Bhav Senior Living Home: त्यांच्या गरजेला आणि तुमच्या काळजीला, ...
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त्यांच्या गरजेला आणि तुमच्या काळजीला, आमचे समाधान- "मधुरभाव"
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Age with Grace आयुष्यातील सर्वात मोलाची संपत्ती म्हणजे सुद्रुढ आरोग्य. आजची वेगाने बदलत असलेली जीवनशैली , आणि त्या शर्यतीत पुढे राहण्यासाठी धावणारे आपण. अनेक प्रकारचे पदार्थ आज बाजारात आहेत , पण शरीराला गरजेची असलेले पौष्टिकता त्यात दुर्मीळच. या सार्याचा परीणाम स्वरूप , अकाली आपल्या पैकी अनेकांना , मणक्याचे आजार , जसे स्पोंडीलायटीस , स्पाईन-नर्वह डिप्रेशन , तर कधी गुडघे दुखी , सांधे दुखी आणी असे बरेच त्रास होतात. यामुळे , अनेक बंधने येऊ लागतात ; शरीरावर आणि जीवनशैली वर देखील. अशा परिस्थितीत स्वःला वेळ देणे , योग्य काळजी घेणे हेच आजच्या काळात अवघड होऊन बसले आहे , तर आपल्या कुटुंबातील लोकांना हवे-नको बघणे , वेळ देणे , आजार पणात व त्या नंतरची काळजी लक्षपूर्वक आणि आपुलकीने घेणे तितकेच महत्वाचे आहे पण ; हे कसे जमवायचे ? त्यांची व स्वःची आबाळ न होऊ देता कसे निभवायचे ? ही काळजी सत्त असते. मधुरभाव कुटुंब , गेले 3 वर्ष , व्रुद्धांसाठी आणि व्रुद्धां बरोबर , नावात असलेल्याला मधुर भावनेने काम करीत आहे. येथे , त्या...
Post operative care facilities ; a relief for Seniors.
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I received a call from a south Indian senior lady. Her husband had undergone a surgery and there was no one to look after him or take care of his post-operative needs. They were the only ones for each other. No children, no immediate family to help. I can imagine the lady in her 70’s and her helplessness. Her husband required help even to get up from a bed , diaper change, going to the bathroom, he was completely dependent. But, had strong will power to live. We had just started a few months back and I visited her, on her request. Looking at the financial condition, I suggested them to have short term stay, until her husband recovers. They were opting to stay at the hospital since they could manage at home all on their own nor could they afford a personal caretaker or a nurse. Hospitals were reluctant to keep them for long. As they occupied a bed and there was no further treatment and diagnosis. finance was their major concern. Their distant relatives were in B...
Today’s Truth: Why mend when you can replace?
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Happiness with Madhur Bhav I sometimes feel, this whole, “Practicality” issue, about this young generation, does even exist or are we just judging them on certain parameters and abiding them by it? I guess it’s all about who you are? How you’ve been? And what you want? It’s about choices people make. Choices of being the kind of person you want to be. It’s just not about good or bad. There is so much more to it. We from an exterior front can only term it, like-Self-loving, selfish practical or for that matter anything! But; yes! all of this is extremely thought to provoke, despite all the conjectures that surround it. There is a section of society that has to bear the effect of these changed times and thinking. The one’s who belong to a different era altogether. Ones, who are at the receiving end, Recently, I had an encounter with a very educated senior. She was absolute, warm and calm. Her name happened to be Anjali, and the moment she heard mine, she exclaimed (i...
Small Poojan in "Shravan"
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Let’s not get into generation gaps, expectations, disappointments and morals, etc, etc, etc. keeping it simple, it’s about seeing a twinkle of happiness in someone’s eyes. Knowing that you can make them smile and happy. And trust me, it doesn’t take much to make someone happy.nd getting that feeling at MadhurBhav house is more special. With the seniors of our house; making them smile and seeing them content is a priceless feeling. Each time we get an opportunity we try our best to grab it and spread Happiness. After all that is what, we live for, that is what ensures their wellbeing. So, we were having a general conversation, and Mrs Deshpande shared a wonderful experience with me. Two days ago at MadhurBhav, one of the senior was extremely quiet and not in his usual charming and fun mood. He normally isn’t always someone serious and loner type. He will always keep himself busy, spend time with fellow housemates, and be active throughout. His routine medical check up that day a...
"सोप्या आयुष्या पेक्षा,आनंदी आयुष्य महत्वाचे."
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"Ageing with Joy" मधुरभाव मधे , अनेकदा स्टाफ मेमबर्स , आजी - आजोबा , यांना संवाद साधताना पाहिले . एकमेकाच्या सहवासात हसताना , प्रत्येक क्षण जागताना पाहिले . खरचं हेवा वाटतो ! आणि मनात सहज विचार येऊन जातो . कुठेतरी टेक्नोलॉजी , स्मार्टफोन , सोशलिस्ट होण्यात आपण ही मज्जा गमावून बसलोय . प्रत्येक क्षणाची आठवण बनवण्यात ईतके मग्न झालोय की , ते समोर असताना , निसटून जातात तरी समजत नाही . नक्कीच ही काळाची गरज आहे . सोप्या आयुष्याचे साधन आहे . आता हेच पाहा , माझे हे विचारही मी या आधुनिक माध्यमातून आणि पद्धतीने मांडत आहे . ईतकच वाटते , की सोप्या आयुष्याची सवय अशी झाली आहे की आनंदी आयुष्याचे स्वपन धुरकट होत चालले आहे . म्हणतात ना , वडीलधार्यांकडून घेण्या सारखे खुप असते . आज एक नवा धडा मिळाला , " सोप्या आयुष्या पेक्षा , आनंदी आयुष्य महत्वाचे ." ही वाट धरून पाहूयात , ईतर पळवाटा सोडूयात . ...